Botanical Garden

in Graphics / Illustrations

485 6 0
14 Unique Handpainted Botanical Elements. Available in PNG Format with transparent background.

Perfect to use in almost any program. Create your own logo or use in scrapbooking , invitations, stationery… anything you can think of! Each image is at least 1000px.

The vine you see wrapping around the letter comes as one whole image as well as 8 individually broken up parts.

Unique images with transparent backgrounds add a designer spice to digital scrapbooks, holiday letters, and photography portfolios. These designer digital images can be layered to create your own logo or compiled into personal stationery – the possibilities are endless, whether you’re producing online graphics or pintables.
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
dpi: 300
graphicsFileTypes: PNG