BizStore - Multipurpose eCommerce PSD Template

in Graphic templates / Websites

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BizStore – a robust and high-performance PSD Template brings in the fashionable interface with unique and modern style… Be built on the Bootstrap grid that makes easy to create website templates. PSD files is perfectly organized, so you can easily customize everything you need.

18 PSD files included – The design is very easy to work with and modify to suit anything you need.

Template Features

+ 18 layered PSD files.
+ Based on 1170px grid system.
+ Full width: 1920px.
+ 04 homepage layout options
+ Contact us
+ About us
+ Super Clear and Clean Layout.
+ Pixel Perfect
+ Modern and Creative Design
+ Easily customizable Photoshop files.
+ Every page is fully layered and organized with proper names.
+ Free Google Fonts.
+ Free Font Based Icons.
+ And many more…

PSD Files Included

+ 01_Homepage_v1.psd
+ 02_Homepage_v2.psd
+ 03_Homepage_v3.psd
+ 04_Homepage_v4.psd
+ 05_Shop_Full_Width.psd
+ 06_Shop_Left_Sidebar.psd
+ 07_Shop_Right_Sidebar.psd
+ 08_Shop_Detail.psd
+ 09_Blog_Masonry.psd
+ 10_Blog_Left_Siderbar.psd
+ 11_Blog_Detail.psd
+ 12_About.psd
+ 13_Contact.psd
+ 14_Header_Ontop1.psd
+ 15_Header_Ontop2.psd
+ 16_404_Pages.psd
+ 17_Coming_Soon.psd
+ 18_Newsletter.psd

Fonts Used

+ Rokkitt
+ PT Serif

Sources and Credits

- Icons Used

+ Icon by icomoon
+ Icon by Font-Awesome

- Graphics Used

+ Image by
+ Image by
+ Image by

Note: All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.
orientation: Portrait
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: PSD
isLayered: 1
colorSpace: RGB
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
dimensions: Px, 1920, 7855