Banny Sans Serif Font Family

in Other / Sans-Serif

427 8 1
Banny Sans Serif Typeface is a clean and beautiful sans serif font, with smooth edges to reproduce vintage printing. Perfect for vintage logo designs, texts, presentations, posters, magazines, notices, headers, titles, name card, magazine, web layouts, invitations, headers, branding and other any business related.

Included Features:

* Font Weight: Light, Round, and Bold
* File Format: TTF, OTF and Web Font Kit

Banny Font Features:

* Uppercase Multilingual Letters
* Lowercase Multilingual Letters
* Numbers & Punctuation
* Non English Characters ( Latin Supplement + Latin Extended A )

Supported Characters:

* abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
* 0123456789
* !"#$%&'()*+“-./:;=?@[]^_`{|}~ ¡¢«¬´·»¿
* àáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ
* ĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĞğ˚
* ġĤĨĩĪīĬĭİıĴĹ弾ŁłŃńŇňŌōŎŏŔŕŘřŚśŜŞşŠšŤť
* ŨũŪūŬŭŮůŴŶŸŹźŻżŽžǫ
* Ȧɢɪɴʀʏʙʜʟ
* ᴀᴄᴅᴇᴊᴋᴍᴏᴘᴛᴜᴠᴡᴢẀẂẄẼỲ
* ˆˇˉ˘˙˚–—‘’“”†‡•…‰‹›⁄€−∕∙ꜰꜱ
spacing: Normal
optimumSize: Any Size
serifSansSerif: Sans-Serif
isWebfont: 1