Automated Content Aware Fill

in Add-ons / Actions and presets

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A one click solution for removing subjects / text from a large stack of files, with two methods of input.

Layer stacks input:
This allows you to place up to 500 layers that share the same watermark / subject (same position). This is useful if you have many images that require removal of text or small subject.

Video input:
This is useful for getting rid of small objects that don’t move throughout the footage. Like an annoying mug in the background, in a stationary footage. This is also useful for removing watermarks off a video. But due to Photoshop content aware restrictions, the results will not mean the complete eradication of watermarks (meaning the text is fully removed, but when played, you can tell something used to be there).

For video input expectations:

* Photoshop CC 2017.
* 2 ATN files (stacked layers – video input).
* Help file.
addOnsFileTypes: ATN
addOnsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
hasDocumentation: 1