Artworks & Clothing Designs

in Graphics / Illustrations

88 9 0
Eight Random Illustration and Badges Designs, a vintage supplies builder by Tacikworks. Every text is editable and all elements are scalable, which makes it easy to modify and use them in your brand, logos, apparel, packaging, posters, etc.

+ AI + EPS files
+ Full editable for the text, colors, and stroke.
+ Ready to print or use in anything you want.
+ Full editable for the text, colors, etc.

_Note: This badges can be opened and edited with Illustrator CS5 or newer_

+ Exclude all font
+ Exclude mockups

_Please contact us if you have any question!_\
_Thank You!_
isVector: 1
isLayered: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
graphicsFileTypes: EPS, AI, JPG
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Illustrator
dpi: 300