
in Other / Symbols

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Proudly prensent “Arterium” the classic Victorian typeface. Inspired by letterheads from the late 1800's and early 1900's. Set includes three major styles (Arterium Regular, Arterium Alternate & Arterium Side) and four sub styles version (slant, gradient, outline & extrude).

If your application does not feature a glyph palette, We also add the characters map in PDF to help you access hidden alternates available in our OpenType fonts. Simply chose the character on the PDF you want to use to your clipboard, then return to your application and paste while using the appropriate Alota font.

The font really bring a good statement for your logo design and can be the image of a design.

Arterium font is very unique and easy to apply to any media; t-shirts, posters, sign boards, letterhead and social media needs.

Product Content:
- Arterium-Alternate (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-AlternateExtrude (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-AlternateGradient (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-AlternateOutline (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-AlternateSlant (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-Regular (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-RegularExtrude (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-RegularGradient (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-RegularOutline (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-RegularSlant (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-Side (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-SideExtrude (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-SideGradient (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-SideOutline (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)
- Arterium-SideSlant (OTF, TTF, WOFF2)

- A-Z Character Set
- a-z Characters set
- Numerals & Punctuations (OpenType Standard)
- ligature
- fraction
- Stylistic Alternates (01-15)
- Multilingual

- Bonus Ornament.AI
- Bonus Ornament.PDF
- Bonus Ornament.EPS
- Bonus Panels & Ribbon.AI
- Bonus Panels & Ribbon.PDF
- Bonus Panels & Ribbon.EPS

If your application does not feature a glyph palette, We also add the characters map in PDF to help you access hidden alternates available in our OpenType fonts. Simply chose the character on the PDF you want to use to your clipboard, then return to your application and paste while using the appropriate Arterium font.

spacing: Normal
optimumSize: Large (Display / Poster)
hasDocumentation: 1
serifSansSerif: Serif
isWebfont: 1