ARC - Interior Design, Decor, Architecture Busines

in Web Templates / Site templates

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ARC is a clean and creative HTML Template suitable for Interior Design, Home Decor, Decoration, Art Decor, Furniture, Architecture, Business, Corporate, etc . You can customize it very easy to fit your needs.

ARC – Interior Design, Decor, Architecture Business Template Features:
+ 6 Homepage Layouts
+ 6 Awesome Color Skins
+ 6 Header Layouts
+ 4 Footer Layouts
+ Revolution Slider Include
+ 628+ Font Icons Included (Font Awesome)
+ Google Fonts Supported
+ Limitless Slider Designs
+ CSS3 Animations
+ Working PHP Contact Forms
+ HTML5 & CSS3 Technology
+ Bootstrap Framework 3x
+ Parallax Backgrounds
+ Browsers Compatible
+ Clean and Modern Style
+ Wide & Boxed Layouts
+ Well Documented & More...

_All these images will NOT be included in purchased package, just for demo purpose_
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1