Applicator - Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

in Web Templates / Admin templates

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Applicator is a creative, responsive and highly customizable admin template based on Bootstrap 4. It comes with a lot of UI components & widgets, layout variations, theme colors, charts, authentication pages and a ton of useful features, this is the ideal template for your next dashboard or admin web app project.

Note: Images shown in the demo are not included in the download package.

Key features:
+ Bootstrap 4 Stable (4.1.0)
+ Fully Responsive
+ Cross Broswer Compatible
+ Rich UI Elements
+ Data Visualize
+ Grunt Building Tools
+ 2000+ Icons
+ SCSS based
+ Form Validation
+ 10 + Color Skin
+ RTL Support
+ Premium Support
+ Library Used
+ Bootstrap
+ Jquery
+ datatables
+ popper.js
+ perfect-scrollbar
+ nouislider
+ noty
+ jquery.sparkline
+ moment
+ imagesloaded
+ masonry
+ photoswipe
+ jvectormap
+ jquery-validation
+ bootstrap-datepicker
+ summernote
+ fullcalendar
+ sweetalert
+ selectize
+ d3
+ chartist-js
+ chart.js

Images Used
+ unsplash
+ nothingtochance

Font Used (Google Fonts)
+ Roboto