App Landing Page

in Graphic templates / Websites

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App Landing Page is a simple one page design based on the Bootstrap grid. The UI kit is focusing on simplicity and is suitable as a solid starting point for your next project. No bloat in terms of typography or elements, only the essential to easily build a minimal website presenting your product with clarity. Note that the mobile mockup included in this asset is also available as a download, check our other items.

+ Bootstrap grid: Based on the 12 column, 1170px grid.
+ Material icons: This UI kit is using the material icons by Google.
+ Organized: All layers are grouped and well-named for quick navigation.
+ Typography: The font is perfectly aligned both horizontally and vertically.
+ Bonus screen: Includes a mobile screen of the live chat conversation.
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: SKETCH, PNG
isLayered: 1
isVector: 1
dpi: 300
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Sketch