Annual Report 20 Pages

in Graphic templates / Print templates

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Annual Report 2018

Professional, clean and modern 20 pages Annual Report Template. Just drop in your own pictures and texts, and it’s ready for print. Or use it as a professional online PDF or email attachment. This brochure can serve multiple purposes. It works great as a corporate identity brochure – for presenting your business, services, newest cases and more. Or use it to present a specific product. Or something completely different. Everything you see is editable right in Indesign. All colors can easily be changed in one location. All texts are set with free fonts.
orientation: Portrait
isVector: 1
isLayered: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: INDD
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe InDesign
dpi: 300
dimensions: 21, cm, 29.7
colorSpace: CMYK