Allexis Signature

in Other / Script and Handwritten

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Introducing Allexis Signature Typeface – a font that is very fresh and unique style handmade. Allexis Signature Typeface is perfectly suited to logo, stationery, poster, apparel, branding, wedding invitation, card, tagline, layout design, and much more !!


- Uppercase
- Lowercase
- Punctuation & Numeral
- Support Multilingual
- Swashes

Files included:

- Allexis Regular (otf & ttf)
- Allexis Wide (otf & ttf)
- Allexis Swash (otf & ttf)

Thank you for checking and i hope you enjoy it. Always put your heart into it and don’t worry to try. I hope you have as much fun using it as i did making it


mail support: [email protected]