AiPT - Artificial Intelligence Company Elementor Template Kit

in Other / Template Kits

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AiPT is an Elementor template kit meticulously crafted for the forefront of artificial intelligence companies. Elevate your digital presence with cutting-edge aesthetics and functionality that resonate with the intelligence of tomorrow.

### Features List:

* Modern & Professional Design
* No Coding Required
* Customizable Color Schemes
* Fully Responsive Layout
* Elementor Compatibility

### Pages & Sections:

* Home
* Our Solutions
* Pricing Plans
* Blog
* Single Article
* Our Team
* Single Member
* About Us
* Ai Text Completer
* Contact Us
* Footer
* Header

### Required Plugins:

* Elementor
* ElementsKit Lite
* Elementor Header & Footer Builder
* MetForm

### How to Use Template Kits:

1. Install and Activate the “Template Kit Import” plugin from Plugins (Or you can use "Envato Elements Wordpress Plugin")
2. Download your Template Kit File (Do not unzip the file).
3. Go to Tools > Template Kit > Upload Template Kit ZIP File (Or simply drag & drop your zip file).
4. Click on the orange banner to install required plugins.
5. Click import on the Global Kit Styles.
6. Click import on your desired template at a time.
7. Go to Pages and create a new page and click Edit with Elementor.
8. Click the folder icon to access My Templates tab and then Import the page you’d like to customize.

Detailed Guide: [

### How to Use Add Header/Footer

1. After You Imported Our Templates > Dashboard > Appearance > Elementor Header & Footer Builder
2. Add New > Select: Header/Footer > Display On: Entire Website > User Roles: All
3. Edit With Elementor
4. Click on Folder Icon > My Templates > Select Header/Footer

### How to Use MetForm

1. After You Imported Our Templates > Add MetForm Shortcode
2. Edit Form > New Form > Blank Template
3. Click on Folder Icon > My Templates > Select Contact Form Section

### Images

This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own.

compatibleWith: Elementor
demoUrl: Https://
industry: Technology & Apps
templateKitSoftwareVersion: Elementor 3.10.x