90s Style Twitch

in Other / Social

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90s Style Twitch
Neon Overlay for streamers, 2 offline screens, profile banner and buttons.
Get back to the nineties with these funny templates. Bubblegum colors for your cheerful mood. Cute retro elements created with a bit of nostalgia. Edit texts and go. It's so easy!

* 2400 × 1350 px - Webcam Overlay
* 2400 × 1350 px - Offline Screen
* 2400 × 600 - Profile Banner
* 640 × 200 - Buttons
* 3 Backgrounds in Each PSD
* Fully Editable Photoshop Templates
* All Texts Editable
* Ready to Use for Twitch

What you get:
* 4 PSD files - Photoshop Templates
* PDF file - Help with fonts links and instructions
hasDocumentation: 1
isLayered: 1
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
graphicsFileTypes: PSD, PDF
dimensions: Px, 2400, 1350
resolution: 300, 8, 4.5