3D Text Openers

in Other / Titles

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This project very Clean and Dynamic transition with 3D text layers, I hope this project very useful for Promote, Intro, Web, Opening, etc... No third-party plugins needed, however, I included 2 projects, original with Optical Flares, second with prerendered OF plugins.

Description of the project:
* 2 Project include (Original Version and Pre-rendered Version)
* Include 2 Final Renders, FULL HD 1920x1080 and 1280x720
* Unlimited placeholders, you can add more every scene
* Change text color easily
* Duration 40 Second
* 8 Text Holders
* 1 For your logo
* PDF help file showing you how to change text and edit colors include with the screenshot
* Music in the preview is not included in the download
* Easy to edit
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 40
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: None required