3D Social Icons Pack

in Other / Openers

151 3 0
* After Effects CS4 or Higher
* Full HD Resolution (1920×1080) 24fps, 25fps, 30fps
* 960p, 720p, 640p, 360p, PAL, PAL Widescreen
* Element 3D required
* 61+ Icons
* Present your social networks with a 3D animation.
* Easy Customize
* Backgrounds are changeable.
* Everything is editable.
* Create your icons
* The music is not included in project.

Video tutorials included. (Advanced)

* Change Main Links
* Make Your Own Edit
* Add-Remove Elements
* Add Bonus Icons
* Change Background Colors
* Create a Simple Icon
* Create an Icon From Image (create any icon)

Project Includes

* Social Icons\
_Addthis, Behance, Blogger, Deviantart, Digg, Dribbble, Facebook, Flickr, Forrst, Google plus, Instagram, Livejournal, Mail, Orkut, Picasa, Pinterest, Reddit, RSS, ShareThis, Soundcloud, Stumbleupon, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, Youtube_

* Bonus Social Icons\
_Bebo, Flickr (extra), Friendfeed, Grooveshark, Linkedin, MySpace, Twitter (extra), Zerply_

* Social Share Icons\
_Behance, Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Pinterest, Soundcloud, Twitter, Youtube
Bonus Icons_
videoResolution: 1920, 1080p (Full HD), 1080
videoLength: 60
applicationsSupported: After Effects
requiredPlugins: Element 3D v1, Element 3D v2