Remo - Responsive Email Newsletter Template

in Web Templates / Email templates

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Maesto Mail Builder is allowed only for Envato Market users.

All Features

- Responsive Email
- Compatible & Tested
- Unlimited colors
- Well documented
- HTML without tags version
- PSD file
- MailChimp, StampReady, Campain Monitor, Mailster compatible
- Litmus tested
- Fast and free support

Files Included

- Mailchimp compatibe file
- Campaign Monitor compatibe file
- StampReady compatibe file
- Mailster compatibe file
- HTML responsive email file
- Documentation HTML page
- PSD file


- Android
- AOL Mail Chrome
- AOL Mail Explorer
- AOL Mail Firefox
- Apple Mail
- Gmail
- Hotmail
- iPad
- iPhone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6 Plus
- iPad (Retina)
- KMail
- Lotus Notes 8
- Lotus Notes 8.5
- Mozilla Thunderbird
- Opera Mail


- Pictures and icons used on Demo are not included.
- Gmail App for Android is not supported
- Background images work in Microsoft Outlook
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, PSD
responsive: 1
psdFilesIncluded: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
emailPlatforms: MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, MyMail, StampReady