Panagea - Travel and Tours listings template

in Web Templates / Site templates

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PANAGEA is a clean and modern travel site template suitable for companies/agencies that provide services for tourist: can be used to provide general attractions information, travels, buy tours, search and book hotels and restaurants. It’s designed and developed keeping in mind last web design trends and mobile use first. It comes with 4 premade colors schemes or you can add your own easly via SASS file or css + RTL version. It can be used also for other types of directory/listings.

Last update: 3 October 2019

+ Valid and clean HTML5/CSS3 code
+ 100% Responsive
+ Last Bootstrap 4x
+ +65 HTML pages
+ RTL Version
+ 6 Home pages
+ Layerslider Version (SAVE 14$)
+ Unique Slider (Home page version 2)
+ Admin Dashboard Section (SASS files included)
+ Working PHP contact form with antispam protection + autoresponder
+ Working PHP newsletter
+ Nice Mobile App menu
+ Header sticky effect
+ Amazing Page Speed & Optimization
+ Google Page Speed Optimization: Mobile 86/100 - Desktop 97/100
+ GTMetrix: Page Speed Score A98/100
+ Pingdom: Performance Grade 99 - Faster than 94% of tested sites
+ Date picker with range selection or single date
+ Sticky sidebar
+ Sticky horizontal
+ jQuery Isotope filtering
+ SASS files
+ Great CSS3 animations
+ Google web fonts
+ Retina support
+ 2500 Retina icons included
+ Magnific popup
+ Owl Carousel
+ Show/hide password feature for password inputs
+ Password strenght checker
+ Bootstrap Datepicker
+ Great UI/UX reusable elements
+ Coming soon page (Save 8$)
+ Easy to edit
+ Coded with love and attention

Images are not included. Icons and svg are included.
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, SASS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1