Vintage Business Card Design

in Graphic templates / Print templates

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Vintage Business Card Design. Easy to edit, fully adobe Photoshop format.

_Easy to customize fully need any help don’t hesitate to contact me through my profile._

Skull drawing is Included - it's 6700 x 8000 px, bitmaps in PSD file.


+ 3.75x2.25 inches with bleed area and safety zone
+ Highly Organized Layers (Labeled & grouped)
+ Easy to customize
+ 300 DPI High Resolution
+ CMYK Color Mode
+ Print Ready Format
+ Help PDF file

Font information is in Help PDF file.

Thank you for your Time and Download.
isLayered: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: PSD
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
dpi: 300
colorSpace: CMYK