Relxtower - Single Property Real Estate HTML Temp

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Relxtower – Single Property Real Estate Html websites. Real Estate Agencies and Property Owners. Relxtower was crafted using the latest bootstrap framework / html5 / css3 techniques and built to include every possible element what a Single Property Real Estate Html should ever contain!

We have built this HTML Template base on in-depth research on Consulting, Finance and Insurance Business, tailored to your need and to the expectation for your clients.

Images in the main file are replaced by placeholders, all images used for demo purpose only. Don’t worry about elements, shapes and graphic, it is all ready in your main file.

HTML Template Features:

Fully Responsive design \
Based on Bootstrap 4.1 \
02 Home page \
Wow Animations \
100% W3C Valid \
360+ Icons \
Built with HTML5 & CSS3 \
Easy to customize \
Clean Design \
Sticky Header \
Commented and clean code \
Retina Ready. \
Free Google Fonts.

Font & Icon

Poppins \
flaticon \
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://