Zoeclean - Shoe Cleaning & Shop Template Kit

in Other / Template Kits

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Zoeclean is a shoe cleaning & shop template kit. The template is pixel-perfect designed, making sure your final creation is flexible and easily extendable Also, Zoeclean works flawlessly on various screen size devices.

- True zero coding: styles and effects are done within the Elementor panel
- Global theme style for an easy sitewide style change
- Header and footer builder for flexible layout and design
- Form builder with the working form submission
- Engaging hero animation

With 21 page and section templates available, you'll have your new website ready in no time.

Page templates

- Global Kit Styles
- Header
- Footer
- Homepage
- About
- Contact Us
- Style Guide
- 404
- Blog Archive
- Optin Popup
- Offcanvas
- Single post
- Blog
- Our Team
- Shop
- Single product
- Coming Soon
- Services
- Pricing
- Our Process

Elementor Pro Features

- Header and Footer Builder
- Theme Styles
- Global templates for archives

Required Plugins

- Elementor
- Elementor Pro
- DethemeKit for Elementor (installed automatically)

How to Install:

1. Install and Activate the Envato Elements plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress, then import the Kit zip under Installed Kits by clicking the Import Kit button.
2. Set the Menu icon popup template to the Off-Canvas template
3. Set the bottom Template on Home and Archives to Footer
4. Set featured images on archives under Templates > Theme Builder
5. Once the templates are imported to pages for your site, set a featured image for the page to appear in the title background.

This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own.
* https://elements.envato.com/image-BALEXWH
* https://elements.envato.com/image-KHJEBVG
* https://elements.envato.com/image-KE4LZT9
* https://elements.envato.com/image-MCBDGR5
* https://elements.envato.com/image-P8877AZ
* https://elements.envato.com/image-DHQGENX
* https://elements.envato.com/image-R9NAUME
* https://elements.envato.com/image-PKMPJZ4
* https://elements.envato.com/image-W69USN2
* https://elements.envato.com/image-9HG8TAA
* https://elements.envato.com/image-S63XBZT
* https://elements.envato.com/image-NM8NBAG
* https://elements.envato.com/image-ZXF5Z74
* https://elements.envato.com/image-A5XMXZ4
* https://elements.envato.com/image-V5MUWZ3
* https://elements.envato.com/image-UWZSS2Q
* https://elements.envato.com/image-3JVYHAT
* https://elements.envato.com/image-PCNQSRR
* https://elements.envato.com/image-8DKYWQN
* https://elements.envato.com/image-AYL2M3S
* https://elements.envato.com/image-UP2M24Q
* https://elements.envato.com/image-PMLDMG5
* https://elements.envato.com/image-WVBRF9B
* https://elements.envato.com/image-JZ85FD8
* https://elements.envato.com/image-PPB968C
* https://elements.envato.com/image-5PLCQ8D
* https://elements.envato.com/image-CZ6RM3U
* https://elements.envato.com/image-M33X34W
* https://elements.envato.com/image-Z9B55CZ
* https://elements.envato.com/image-3YAPFW8
* https://elements.envato.com/image-JS32JC2
* https://elements.envato.com/image-6HE9F45
* https://elements.envato.com/image-YZ2BE26
* https://elements.envato.com/image-MB24SW6
* https://elements.envato.com/image-P4SHKJ5
* https://elements.envato.com/soak-shoes-before-washing-cleaning-dirty-sneakers-FYQRZRH
templateKitSoftwareVersion: Elementor 2.8.x, Elementor 2.9.x, Elementor 3.0.x
industry: Business & Services
demoUrl: Https://kit.detheme.com/zoeclean/template-kit/home/
compatibleWith: Elementor Pro, Elementor