Coral Illustrations & Templates

in Graphics / Objects

190 2 0
Hand-drawn coral and seaweed, reminiscent of vintage botanical artwork. Tiling patterns and sample layouts that look great on screen and on paper. A handsome color scheme is provided for your convenience, with shades of cream, cool gray, dark gold, and of course, coral. Perfect for illustrating beach resort wedding invitations, marine wildlife conservation websites, mermaid story book covers, or natural history museum stationery.


11 vector coral and seaweed shapes
3 vector tiling patterns
2 vector page template layouts

Format (vector and raster):

.AI (CS6) - This product was created on CS6.
.SVG - Converted from CS6 format.
.PNG - Transparent (no background) high-resolution images of the illustrations and templates (no text).
Each .PNG sheet contains multiple illustrations and templates.
No individual .PNG files for each illustration.

The vector formats should work in Illustrator or any other vector graphic editing software.
The .PNG format should work in Photoshop or any other raster graphic editing software.
You need to know how to use graphic design software to edit and use the images.


Thank you! :)

- Feanne
Instagram @feanne
Art portfolio
isVector: 1
isTileable: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
graphicsFileTypes: AI, SVG, PNG
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator