Ecommo - e-Commerce & Fashion Store Mobile App

in Graphic templates / UX and UI kits

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Ecommo is a modern and cleans e-Commerce & Fashion Store Mobile App UI Kit to create Clothing Alteration & Tailoring Services, as well as it fits perfectly for Modern Gentlement Fashion, Custom Handmade Tailored Suits, Clothing Repair & Restorations services, and any other fashion-related business.

This UI concept is professional mobile UI kits that help start-ups, agencies, and UI/UX designers to create mobile apps faster and easier. The UI kits are fully customizable and compatible with Adobe XD.

You can use this UI concept both for the web and mobile apps. Also, you can download our other UI Kit to create something new!


* Pixel-perfect ten screen designs
* Neatly Grouped and Organized
* Global Text and Color Styles
* Customizable Components
* Compatible with Adobe XD
* All images are just used for preview purposes only and replaced with Placeholder Images.
orientation: Portrait
graphicTemplatesFileTypes: XD
hasDocumentation: 1
isLayered: 1
isVector: 1
dpi: 96
colorSpace: RGB
graphicTemplatesApplicationsSupported: Adobe XD