CargoZone - Transport, Cargo, Logistics & Business

in Web Templates / Site templates

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CargoZone is a clean and mobile responsive html Cargo & Transport service template, very easy to customize according to transport types or any other business also can use it.

CargoZone is a Powerful, Responsive & Multi-Purpose, Multi-Page & One-Page HTML5 Template. You can Build anything you like with this Template. CargoZone is collection of Business, Construction, Transport, Real Estate, Portfolio Gallery, Parallax, Blog, Product Pages, Lead Pages, Login Pages, Comming Soon Screena just everything is possible with Cargo.

We have added 35+ ready-to-use Homepages & 135+ HTML Files with the Package, it is going to BIG. We are giving Amazing flexibility, Multiple Color Theme, Short-codes, Responsive Features makes Cargo standout from the all other themes.

Key Features :

* Multiple Homepages
* 135+ Html Templates
* 34+ Business Homepages
* 70+ Revolution Slider
* 18+ Shortcode Pages
* 12+ Header Styles
* 10+ Footer Styles
* 4+ Coming Soon & Login Pages
* 20+ Blog Pages
* Multiple Color
* Shop Pages
* Ajax Contact Form
* Responsive Layouts
* Powerful Bootstrap v4
* Cross Browser Optimization
* Google Font & Font Icons
* Well Documented
* Sticky Menus
* Working Contact Form
* Unique Slider Effects
* Reliable Support
* & Much More....

Font :

* "Montserrat",sans-serif
* 'Lato', sans-serif
* 'Nunito', sans-serif

Icon :

* Font Awesome
* Line Awesome
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, SASS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://