Con - Material Admin Dashboard Template

in Web Templates / Admin templates

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Con is admin dashboard based on Materialize framework. Template fully based on HTML5, CSS3 standards. Also, you will get AngularJS version for free. It is fully responsive and clean on every device and every modern browser (IE9 and newer).
Responsive. Con admin dashboard looks equally good on computers and mobile devices.
Customizable. If you know how to work with Gulp, you can easily change the template source code. Change the main color, sizes, fonts, menus, etc. HTML code is divided into blocks - for example, you can easily change the side navigation in one place and it will build in all HTML files directly. You do not have to worry about cross-browser CSS. SASS and Autoprefixer will do it for you.
Material Design. Con based on clean and modern design technique.
Commented code. All code commented and all pages have code samples for each item or widget.
Over 2100 icons. You can use FontAwesome, Material Design, IonIcons and Weather icons packs.


+ Material Design
+ AngularJS and HTML versions
+ Responsive
+ Full Mobile Friendly (google verified)
+ Different Layouts + Boxed
+ Predefined Color Schemes from Material palette
+ Materialize.css + bootstrap like classes
+ Easy to Use
+ RTL support
+ Development Kit
+ Gulp
+ Nunjucks HTML templater
+ Bower
+ Layers
+ Chat
+ Search Bar
+ Icons (2100+)
+ Material Design Icons
+ Font Awesome
+ IonIcons
+ Weather Icons
+ UI Elements
+ Alerts
+ Buttons
+ Cards
+ Chips
+ Collapsible
+ Collections
+ Dropdown
+ Modals
+ Nestable
+ Pagination
+ Progress Bars
+ Tabs
+ Toasts
+ Tooltips
+ Tree View
+ Waves
+ Media
+ Hover Effects
+ Scroll Effects
+ Gallery
+ Material Box
+ Parallax
+ Player
+ Slider
+ Forms
+ Base
+ Textarea with Autoheight
+ Switches
+ Ratings
+ Advanced
+ Ranges
+ Material Date Picker
+ Date Picker
+ Clock Picker
+ Color Picker
+ Tags Input
+ Select2
+ DropZone
+ Masked Inputs
+ Editors
+ Squire
+ CKEditor
+ MarkItUp editor
+ Forms Validation (ParsleyJS)
+ eCommerce Pages
+ Mailbox
+ Charts
+ Tables
+ Maps
+ Widgets

Note: the images that can be seen in the preview will not be included in the download package. These are for preview purposes only.
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, SASS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1