Mineralo - Vue Nuxt Bottled Water Delivery Service

in Web Templates / Site templates

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Mineralo is clean and professional Vue Nuxt Template created especially for bottled water delivery company, water delivery service, mineral water filters, home filters, mineral water services, online water store, water mining, and others. It is build with Vue Js, Nuxt Js.

This is a Vue Nuxt Js Template. It will not work with the Wordpress/PHP nor will it work as a static HTML template.


* Includes 3 Home versions
* Includes 6 Inner pages
* Built with Vue JS
* Built With Nuxt JS
* No jQuery Dependency
* Component Base Structure
* No Console Errors
* Reusable Components
* Includes Owl Carousel Slider
* CSS3 Animations
* Advance Bootstrap 4 Framework
* Truly SEO Optimized Code
* Cross Browser Compatibility
* W3C Validate Code
* Fully Responsive
* Extensive Documentation
* Fully customisable & Easy to modify
* All files are well commented


The images any media/elements and the stationary mockups that appear or are used in the template are not included in the main download file, they are only for the preview purpose.
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, JS
responsive: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
demoUrl: Https://nuxt-mineralo.netlify.app/