Beaumont Drupal Theme

in CMS templates / Drupal CMS templates

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Introducing Beaumont

Beaumont is a clean and professional business theme intended for modern and forward-thinking financial collectives. The theme is easy on the eye and sports a clean tile-based layout — perfect to boast your services and specialties. Beaumont is suitable for financial businesses, cryptocurrency agencies, investment firms, and monetary collectives of all types. Alternatively, you can utilize the theme’s modern design for brokerage, ICO, token, or currency exchange firms.

* Latest Drupal 8 version (compatible with all versions of Drupal 8, including the latest release!
* Perfect for businesses, corporates and financial/investment firms
* Create modular content using drag-and-drop for easy page creation (create pages quickly and on-the-fly using
* Drupal’s new Layout Builder module ++)
* Optimized for speed and performance
* Based on Twitter Bootstrap
* Tile-based system that rearranges itself according to screen width
* Perfectly responsive
* Retina-ready
* Cross browser compatible – tested in IE 10,11; Firefox; Safari; Chrome; Edge and Opera.
* Hundreds of retina-ready icons included
* Large background image of connecting dots is included
retinaReady: 1
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1