Coffee cocktails

in Graphics / Objects

315 7 0
Collection of coffee cocktails v2.0


- Adjustable glass transparency;
- Neat reflections;
- Clean, flat styled while all significant details shown;
- Glass shape emphasized;
- Easy fits to dark and light backgrounds.
- Transparent PNGs, layered TIFFs;
- Native 21 Mpx resolution.

Package contents

18 hi-res images of coffee cocktails, hand traced.

- PNGs, transparent — both isolated and transparent images. For non-white solid backgrounds;
- TIFFs, layered — isolated Photoshop images with adjustable glass transparency masks. Best for solid or complex background. Turn the glass transparency on or off, adjust it or use mask to distort or blur background behind the glass;
isLayered: 1
graphicsApplicationsSupported: Adobe Photoshop
dpi: 300
graphicsFileTypes: PNG, PSD