Pin = Pinterest Style Membership News Blog Theme

in Other / Themes

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Pin is a Stylish and Pinterest style Theme. User Profile Membership and Content Sharing Theme, suited to be deployed for a number of different websites, but peculiarly well suited for personal bloggers and news websites.

Theme Features
+ 1 click demo install
+ Front-end Submission
+ 13 Custom Widgets
+ Fly-out Mobile Navigation
+ Masonry style / Grid Style / Pinterest Style
+ Default Pagination or Infinite Scroll
+ News / Magazine Style
+ Live Search with Thumbnails
+ Child Theme Included
+ Tag and Cat Map
+ User-Generated Content
+ Translation Ready .POT file included

Frontend User Content
If you want to give your users the ability to create posts from the front-end area then Pin Theme is the perfect solution for you. It comes with a simple drag and drop interface for easy form building. Also, with the 1 click demo installation, you’ll have the same configuration for the Frontend Publishing forms you see in the demo.

+ Unlimited Forms
+ Create unlimited forms, each with its own settings and restrictions.
+ Post Management
+ Allow users to view, edit and delete the content they have created.
+ Instantly publish posts by
Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber. The post submitted by these roles will be published instantly. You can check and choose the ones that will have this amazing feature, enabled.
+ CopyScape Integration
+ Make sure every submission is completely unique by passing it through CopyScape.
+ Email Notifications ( User )
+ Send thank you messages to contributors and get notified whenever a submission is made.
+ Email Notifications ( Admin )
+ Send email notification to admin to get notified whenever a submission is made in order to approve the submissions or you can enable the Instantly publish posts option.
+ Layered Security
+ Make sure only real users can submit content with the help of captchas and hidden nonce fields.
+ Post Types
Quickly create forms for any post type. Custom taxonomies are also fully supported.
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: CSS, HTML, JS, PHP, PSD
hasDocumentation: 1
compatibleWith: WPML, Buddypress, bbPress, Easy Digital Downloads
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://
compatibleVersionRange: Tested up to version 5.1