Simulor - Minimal Admin & Dashboard Template

in Web Templates / Admin templates

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Simulor is a premium and multi featured bootstrap 4 admin template with flat design. It is built using html5, css3 and other modern frontend technologies. The flexibility around choosing the layout options and great collection of reusable widgets, components, elements etc allows you to easily build a web application including custom admin panel, project management system, crm, cms, etc. It is fully responsive and works on all major web browsers, desktop and all smart phone devices.


+ Fully Responsive Design
+ Created using Bootstrap v4.3.1
+ Light & Dark Menu-bar
+ Clean and Intuitive Design
+ Horizontal & Vertical Layouts
+ HTML5, CSS3 & jQuery
+ Gulp Support
+ Clean Structure Code
+ Fully Documented
+ SASS Support
+ Authentication Pages Included
+ Advanced Datatables
+ Error Page Included
+ 2000+ Font Icons
+ Cross Browser Compatible

Pages, Apps:
+ Dashboard
+ UI Elements
+ Components
+ Range Slider
+ Alerts
+ Ribbons
+ Sweet Alerts
+ Typography
+ Forms
+ General Elements
+ Advanced Form
+ Charts
+ Tables
+ Basic Tables
+ Advanced Tables
+ Layouts
+ Light Sidebar
+ Small Sidebar
+ Dark Sidebar
+ Light Topbar
+ Maps
+ Icons
+ Feather Icons
+ Material Design Icons
+ Dripicons
+ Pages
+ Calendar
+ Timeline
+ Invoice
+ Contacts
+ Login
+ Register
+ Recover Password
+ Lock Screen
+ Error 404

Please Note : Images are only for demo purpose, not included in download files.
retinaReady: 1
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML, CSS, SASS, JS
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Http://