Travel - Multipurpose Responsive Email Template

in Web Templates / Email templates

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About Template

Travel is a multipurpose responsive email template suitable for any kind of travel, travel agent, holiday, hotel, hotel booking and general categories.

Travel compatible with StampReady, MailChimp, Mymail & Campaign Monitor



* 20+ Attractive Modules
* HYBRID Coding
* Multipurpose template
* Responsive templates
* Raw HTML included
* MailChimp ready
* Campaign Monitor ready
* MyMail/Mailster ready for WordPress
* Drag & Drop Builder
* Easily edit your template
* Save your customized templates for future purpose
* Customize & download template as MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, Stampready, MyMail / Mailster & Plain HTML files
* Commented HTML
* Background image support in All Major Outlook Clients
* Major browser compatible [IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari]
* Major email clients support [Apple Mail, Outlook, Yahoo, Google Gmail, Hotmail]

Files Included

* Folder contains:
* Raw HTML, StampReady, MailChimp, Mymail and Campaign Monitor Files
* Help Document


* GMail, Yahoo and Outlook ignore Google Fonts and display fall-back fonts
* Images are only for the demo purpose and not included in the package
* Export Option in Stampready is only available in a paid account

Support / Documentations

* For support mail to [email protected]
* For online help document,
* Stampready documentation for developers,
webTemplatesFileTypes: HTML
emailPlatforms: Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, ExactTarget, SendGrid, FreshMail, ActiveCampaign, MyMail, StampReady, iContact, Generic
hasDocumentation: 1
responsive: 1
demoUrl: Https://